Alternative software for printers will help you in case when you want to re-fill the cartridge, and avoid the costly purchase of a new cartridge. Moreover our software extends the range of chips used in cases when a user prefers to change cartridge chips. See here the description of the update procedure

Beside, the alternative software is intended for restoration of printers operability in a remote mode in cases, when:

  • restoration of the printer by means of usual debugging tools, used by the majority of service engineers, is impossible;
  • restoration is possible only through a special debugging port of the printer;
  • restoration is possible only providing direct participation of the user in the interactive printer chat;
  • the loading of the software is rational by means of special hyperlinks in order to except the cases of loading of incorrect software by the user himself;
  • restoration is possible only by means of reprogramming of memory chips by the images generated on our site for specific models and versions of printers;
  • the bootloader is modified and its replacement by the original bootloader is necessary.